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WASP System Deployment  


The WASP system has been designed to be rapidly deployable using system nodes that can be installed in either fixed locations, on vehicles, trailer and man-portable tripod solutions.

A WASP system node can be configured with a perimeter radar sensor, surveillance cameras, flood lights, Drone RF Jammer, GPS receiver and public address system.   Based on the configuration of the system node, network and power management modules are also integrated to enable a range of wide area network connection options and the use of available powers sources at the deployment location.

The WASP network modules options included connections to a wired network, a self-managed mobile network and satellite communication (SATCOM) gateway connectivity to the WASP Command and Control (C2) system. 

The WASP mobile network option is a secure wireless MESH Peer-to-Peer networking system that provides data and video feeds between nodes and automatic data routing based on network health. The mobile WASP system nodes can be set-up in about 10mins and automatically connect via the MESH network to the WASP C2 system to provide real-time situation awareness data.

In remote locations the WASP network module can to connected to a SATCOM gateway to pass data and video feeds via satellite communications directly to a remote control centre or to the secure WASPCloud which can be accessed by authorised fixed and hand-held mobile devices to provide situation awareness and threat information to supporting assets and agencies.

The WASP node mast system also integrates a drone RF countermeasure as part of a mast configuration.  The  RF Jamming System has been developed to specifically disrupt UAV/drone control frequencies from 300MHz to 6GHz and GNSS communications. The system is controlled by an operator via the network and includes control of selectable multi-channel jamming and power optimisation depending on the allowable operational frequencies within the area of threat.   


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